pharo11 | | Pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment |
pharo12 | | Pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment |
pheanstalk | | PHP client for beanstalkd queue |
phonon-backend-xine | | Multimedia API for KDE and QT - xine backend |
phoronix-test-suite | | Phoronix Benchmarking Suite |
php-ast | | Extension exposing PHP 7 abstract syntax tree |
php-basercms | | Easy to use Content Management System for Japan/Japanese |
php-dotclear | | Open-source web publising software |
php-imagick-imagick6 | | PHP extension for ImageMagick graphics library |
php-libawl-git | | PHP Andrew's Web Libraries |
php-malware-finder | | Detect potentially malicious PHP files |
php-snuffleupagus | | Security module for PHP7 |
php-tclink | | PHP extension for TrustCommerce credit card processing |
php-uuid | | Wrapper around libuuid from the ext2utils project |
php-zmq | | PHP bindings to the functions of ZeroMQ |
picolisp | | Simple programming language and application server framework |
picolisp64 | | Simple programming language and application server framework |
picom | | Lightweight compositor for X11 (fork of Compton) |
picosat | | SAT solver with proof and core support |
picprog | | PIC16, PIC12 and PIC18 microcontroller programmer |
pidgin-evolution | | Evolution plugin for the Pidgin instant messenger |
pidgin-festival | | Pidgin plugin that interfaces with festival |
pidgin-guifications | | Toaster notification popups for Pidgin like AIM/MSN/etc |
pidgin-rhythmbox | | Plugin for pidgin to support Rhythmbox |
pidgin-status-to-twitter | | Update Twitter with your Pidgin status |
pidgin-twitterstatus | | Use your Twitter account as your Pidgin status message |
piedock | | Task bar and application menu launcher in shape of a pie menu |
piglit-git | | OpenGL driver testing framework |
pike | | Dynamic programming language similar to Java and C |
pike-core | | Dynamic programming language with a syntax similar to C++ |
pike-gdbm | | GDBM module for Pike programming language |
pike-Gettext | | Gettext module for Pike programming language |
pike-Gz | | Gz module for Pike programming language |
pike-mime | | MIME module for Pike programming language |
pike-Pipe | | PIPE module for Pike programming language |
pike-Regexp-PCRE | | Regexp_PCRE module for Pike programming language |
pike8.0 | | Dynamic language with a syntax similar to Java and C |
pike8.0-Gdbm | | Gdbm module for Pike 8.0 |
pike8.0-GTK2 | | GTK2 module for Pike 8.0 |
pike8.0-Image_Freetype | | Image_FreeType module for Pike 8.0 |
pike8.0-Image_SVG | | Image_SVG module for Pike 8.0 |
pike8.0-Image_TIFF | | Image_TIFF module for Pike 8.0 |
pike8.0-Image_WebP | | Image_WebP module for Pike 8.0 |
pike8.0-Java | | Java module for Pike 8.0 |
pike8.0-Mysql | | Mysql module for Pike 8.0 |
pike8.0-Odbc | | Odbc module for Pike 8.0 |
pilemc-svn | | Tool for the simulation of pile-up events at HepMC level |
pinball | | Pinball using the Allegro game library |
pinentry-dmenu | | A pinentry program with the charm of dmenu |
pint | | Prometheus rule linter/validator |
pioneer | | Game of lonely space adventure |
pipe-viewer | | Lightweight application for searching and playing videos from YouTube |
pipes-c | | Mimics the pipes screensaver in a terminal window |
pipewire | | Low-latency, graph-based audio processing engine |
piranha | | The Piranha computer algebra system |
piwik | | Open Source Analytics |
pizza | | Pizza language is an extension to Java |
pkg | | Package management tool for FreeBSD |
pkg_conflicts | | Tools for automatic CONFLICTS detection |
pkg_fake | | Tool for pkgsrc that creates and manages fake packages |
pkg_rmleaves | | Interactive script for deinstalling 'leaf' packages |
pkg_summary-utils | | Utilities for manipulating pkg_summary(5) files |
pkg-dev | | Scripts to automate common tasks in pkgsrc development |
pkgmanager | | Package manager for pkgsrc |
plank | | Simplest dock on the planet |
plantri | | Plantri programs for generation of certain types of planar graph |
plantuml | | Create some UML diagram using a simple description language |
plasm | | Portable Assembler |
plasma-desktop | | KDE Plasma Desktop |
plasma-integration | | Integration of Qt application with KDE workspaces |
plasma-widget-menubar | | Kde application menubar plasmoid |
plasma-workspace | | KDE Plasma Workspace |
plasma-workspace-wallpapers | | Additional wallpapers for the Plasma Workspace |
plasti | | Plasti is a 2D ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) code |
plconfig | | Tool for configuring HomePlug powerline bridges |
please | | High-performance extensible build system |
pleroma | | Lightweight ActivityPub server, written in Elixir |
plibsys | | Highly portable C system library |
plink | | Whole genome association analysis toolset |
plink2 | | Whole genome association analysis toolset |
ploot | | Simple plotting tools |
plplot | | Scientific plotting library |
plugger | | Plugin for multimedia types in Mozilla, Netscape and Opera |
pluto | | Discover deprecated apiVersions in Kubernetes |
pmacct | | Tools to measure account, classify, aggregate and export IP traffic |
pmk | | Pre-make kit |
png2ico | | PNG to icon converter |
pngnq | | Tool for quantizing PNG images in RGBA format |
pnmcurve | | Apply tone curves to pnm images |
pointtools-git | | Simple point utilities to hold text presentations |
poke-git | | Extensible editor for structured binary data |
polarssl11 | | Open Source embedded SSL/TLS cryptographic library |
polipo | | Small and fast caching web proxy |
polkit-kde-agent | | Daemon providing a polkit authentication UI for KDE |
polly | | Polyhedral optimizations for LLVM |
polyclipping | | Polygon and line clipping and offsetting library |
polylib | | The polyhedral library - long int version |
polymul | | Fast multivariate polynomial multiplication in C++ |
polyorb | | PolyORB is a polymorphic, reusable infrastructure for building object-oriented distributed systems |
ponyc | | object-oriented, actor-model, capabilities-secure, high-performance programming language |
mk | | Subfolder |